UVB Narrowband Lamp: Key Features

uvb narrowband lamp

The sun plays a vitally important role in the lives of people. It produces vitamin D which is vitally important for the normal development of all human beings. This vitamin is especially important for children in early childhood when their organisms develop in a very active manner. The required amount of vitamin D protects human beings’ organisms. People who live in warm countries get the required amount of vitamin D which is produced by the sun and, as a result, they do not require any artificial light. However, those people who live in cold countries do not get enough rays and, as a result, they must turn for help to artificial light.

What is UVB light?

The sun produces different types of x-rays. The most common of them are: UVA and UVB. Ultraviolet A rays can be described in terms of long-wave rays, while ultraviolet B rays can be described in terms of short-wave rays. There are ultraviolet C rays, but they are not paid much attention to, because the majority of ultraviolet C rays are absorbed by the ozone layer and thus, they do not reach the earth. UVB is considered to be the main cause of skin reddening or sunburn. UVB can damage the epidermal layers of the skin. UVB contributes to the development of skin cancer. In addition, it plays a significant role in photoaging. The intensity of UVB can vary greatly and the reasons for it are rather diverse. Advise you to read about UV lights. The most common of them are the following ones:

  • Time of a day. The intensity of ultraviolet B rays is different during a day. In the morning and in the evening, its intensity is not at a very high level. However, in the afternoon, its intensity is at a very high level.
  • The season. Based on a traditional point of view, the season defines the intensity of UVB. In summer, the ultraviolet B rays are the most intense. In autumn and in spring, the intensity of UVB is moderate. In winter, the ultraviolet B rays are not intense.
  • Location of a country. The countries that are located near the equator get the greatest amount of UVB, while the countries that are located far from the equator get smaller amount of UVB. The greatest amount of ultraviolet B rays hits the United States from April to October.

However, there are cases when UVB rays can contribute to the skin reddening or sunburn all the year round.

uvb narrowband lamp


UVB lamp for psoriasis

UVB is considered to be an effective means of medical treatment for psoriasis. UVB rays penetrate the skin and contribute to the slowing of the growing process of damaged cells. As a matter of fact, psoriasis is seen at particular areas of the skin. Therefore, people with psoriasis should expose the affected area of skin to a UVB narrowband lamp, which produces artificial light. People with psoriasis should not apply the treatment on their own. They should consult a specialist first, who will suggest what period of time people should spend on treating the disease in such a manner. The treatment can be applied either at home or at a healthcare center. There are two types of psoriasis treatment: UVB narrowband lamp and broad band lamp. Narrow band UVB light bulbs produce a smaller amount of ultraviolet light in comparison to broad band. Therefore, people, whose disease progresses quicker should be exposed to UVB broad bands, while people whose disease does not progress quickly should be exposed to narrow band UVB. Researchers emphasize that narrow band UVB cures the disease faster than broad-band UVB. As soon as you start exposing your skin to UVB light bulbs, you may notice that the skin is reddened. As soon as you notice these symptoms, you should reduce the amount of time that you spend in front of UVB light bulbs. As soon as the symptoms are over, you may increase the time frame step by step. You may combine this method of treatment with other medical therapies to get the desired results in the shortest time possible.

narrow band uvb


Narrow band UVB for vitiligo

Vitiligo can be described in terms of a skin disease. In case you notice the first symptoms of the disease, you should consult a specialist. One of the most common methods of treatment of the disease is UVB narrowband lamp. Expose your affected area of skin to artificial light on a daily basis and soon you will notice the desired results.


