How to Treat Ventilator Dependent Respiratory Failure?

ventilator dependent respiratory failure

Respiratory failure is a condition when the lungs cannot release air (oxygen) into the blood. This can cause a high carbon dioxide level or low oxygen level, or both, in blood. As a result, the body’s organs cannot get oxygen-rich blood to function. The main symptoms of respiratory failure are shortness of breath, confusion and tiredness, rapid breathing.


Treatment for respiratory failure

Treatment for respiratory failure will depend on your condition. Acute (short term) disease is usually treated at a hospital with the use of intensive care units. Some chronic respiratory conditions (if they are not severe) can be treated at home.

Portable Massage Tables for Your Work Out Doors

portable massage table

Are you planning to do out-call massages? Then you should have a portable massage table. When choosing one, it is very important to consider some essential things like whether the clients are seen only in their individual homes or in offices, too. The choice of a table must be based on if a therapist is going to treat the clients with some special need (handicap, obesity and pregnancy).

Patient Monitoring: Remote and Multiparameter Devices and Their Manufacturers

patient monitoring system

Patient monitoring is always highly important in any emergency and operating room, as it has already proven its reliability in recovery rooms and during respiratory therapy, transportation and out-patient care, ambulatory and gastroenterology departments, sleep screening applications and at home.

The very first primitive patient monitoring began in 1625 with the work done by Santorio. It was measuring blood pressure and body temperature. The new technology developed after the World War 2. As for now, there is a vast number of different monitoring types.

Basically, a patient monitor consists of an analog front end, sensors, a human-machine interface, a processor, memory, power supply and communication interface circuits.

Anesthetic Vaporizers: Types and Medical Application

vaporizer machine

The primer purpose of a vaporizer machine is adding anesthetic vapor into the fresh gas flow. It’s done in such a way that the output delivers the set anesthetic agent concentration in the most accurate way. Soon fresh gas enters the inlet and gets divided into two pathways. Here things depend on the setting of the control dial. The fresh gas never comes into contact with the vapor, but still it gets fully saturated with vapor. At the exit the gas meets the chamber gas and they two mix. The output of the process depends on how much of fresh gas went through the pathways.

An anesthesia vaporizer machine is one of the most critical components of the whole anesthetic machine. It produces a predictable and controlled concentration of vapor in the gas that passes through the vaporizer.

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